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Hi! I'm David. (No need to add the "Pastor" part, though that's fine if you prefer.)
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This is the third year I've served as Discipleship & College Ministry Pastor here at HWC. Prior to that I taught at Houghton Academy (2017-2022), served in global mission in Cameroon (2014-2017; soccer jersey above), pastored Resurrection Community Church in Philadelphia (2002-2014), taught at Phil-Mont Christian Academy (1994-2001), went to Calvin College (1990-1994), and, yup, grew up right here in little old quirky-fantastic Houghton (1972-1990). 

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I married up by somehow landing my high school sweetheart nurse Heidi (HU Health Center). We occasionally 😀 admit that Anna Huizenga (current HU junior) is our daughter. Our sons are Gabe (HU '23) and Luke (HU '21). They both live in Buffalo right now, each working at different non-profit organizations that meet various needs of refugees and other under-served populations.

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Building high-end stereo speakers has been my hobby since the 8th grade. I also love boating and have adored outboard engines since I was about 5 years old. (The tattoo on my right ankle is a boat propeller.) Alas, I can only afford an inflatable with a 10-horse Tohatsu on the back, but it's still a lot of fun. And then there's various building projects at home--I enjoy acting as if I know what I'm doing.

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